April 8,2023

    We would like to invite you to a worship and prayer night on Saturday, April 8, 2023. The theme of this worship will be the gospel, based on the four spiritual laws.

    *If you have any non-Christian friends, please invite them.* Also, anyone who desires a time of prayer is welcome.

    We pray that through our worship, many people will receive the gospel and experience God's love, leading to a life transformed by God's presence.

    At the end of the service, we will also have a fundraising event for the Macedonia missions trip. Please come and support the Macedonia mission team through fundraising.
    The purpose of this event is to raise funds for the upcoming Macedonia mission trip, which will take place from May 5th to May 16th. We encourage everyone to attend and support the Macedonia mission team through this fundraising event.

    Also, please pray for the Macedonian mission team WAWA - Walking With the Apostle. We need prayer for our mission team to journey like the apostles, walking with the Holy Spirit. Please pray for us to be equipped with God's word, united in the Holy Spirit, and to have hearts that yearn for Jesus Christ's heart. We also ask you to pray for us to have humble, overflowing love within us and for the North Macedonian region to once again be filled with the wind of the Holy Spirit and the vitality of revival.

    Thank you, and we hope to see you there!

    Time: 5:00PM
    Location: 25 Wanless Ave, Toronto, ON. M4N 1V5

    PassionFruitsXBranches Ministry





      We would like to express deep gratitude to the staff who served for the April 8th worship. I am grateful to be able to serve alongside all of you in ministry.

      Each and every person is precious and valued as a child of God. We confess that we are united as one and become one body through God. We believe that through your service, many have received the seed of the Gospel.

      Also, we are thankful to all those who prayed for the worship and for missions and for us.

      Thank you everyone 🙂

      Special praise


      The Imprisonment is a mime performance that depicts the story of the creation of heaven and earth, the fall of humanity, the advent of Jesus Christ, His resurrection, and the restoration, as presented in the Bible

      "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" [ John 3:16 ]


      "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." 
      [ 1 Peter 2:9 ]

      We extend my gratitude to everyone who attended the worship service on April 8th.

       We are thankful for the opportunity to worship with you and dream of God‘s kingdom. God has triumphed through the cross, and the Holy Spirit dwells within us. We earnestly pray that we may live as those who acknowledge this and walk with God. Also, we hope that the mission of spreading the Gospel to the next generation continues. As we conclude the worship service safely, we offer all glory and thanks to God, who covers everything with His grace.


      Testimony by Yehyun

      "God loves you all the time even at this moment. Not because what you've done or who you are, but because you are a chosen people. God loves you so much and He is waiting for you"

      "But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him" [ Luck 15:20 ]


      Birthday celebration 

      Happy brithday Yejin and Daeun!


      • Beef Bulgogi
      • Pork Bulgogi
      • Mat-Kimchi
      • Apple Jam
      • Canvas tote bags
      • Baked goods

      We want to express thank you to everyone who attended the fundraising event in Macedonia on April 8th.

      Although the event has come to an end, we humbly request your prayers for our missionary team. On the front side of the prayer letter, you will find the prayer requests for the missionary team, and on the back side, you will find individual prayer requests. We aspire to be a missionary team that spreads the gospel to all nations, and we are grateful for your continued support.

      Thank you!